LG X power

01 Task description
LG X power is a highly efficient smartphone the charge of which is enough for a long trip. In anticipation of the Christmas holidays, we developed thematic layouts.
Our goal was to develop them in such a way that a reader would not want to flip through the page of the magazine with advertising as soon as possible, but on the contrary, that he or she would feel enthusiastic about getting acquainted with the creative idea in more detail and would be eager to unravel the story.
02 Christmas Flight
The first advertising layout of LG X power is created for the in-flight magazines that can be found in the backs of the aircraft seats, for example, Aeroflot and Vestnik Pobedy (Victory Herald) publications.
Almost all the passengers will anyway flip through the suggested press during the flight. The developed layout presents the product effectively and puts the emphasis on its main features.

The opposite parts of the world and various travel formats are included in the dynamic collage. The illustrations are made in sepia tones, so as not to distract attention from the protagonist.

The image of the airplane in the air space evokes the emotional involvement of the in-flight magazines’ readers. Symmetry is made up of flying deer, pulling the cart of Santa Claus (or of his colleague Father Frost) against the background of the Moon.

Semantics of the advertising layout covers a wide audience of potential customers, from those who are puzzled searching for a special gift for their loved ones, to the travellers themselves, who are flying to the remotest places of the world, for whom a powerful battery of LG X power smartphone will be an indisputable advantage.

03 The Journey of Santa Claus
The advertisement page is created mainly for travelling magazines. For example, these publications include Vokrug Sveta (Around the World), National Geographic, GEO. The layout embodies the joy of New Year's holidays and the idea of a great journey.

The journey is made by Santa Claus, identified by his traditional cap, and LG X power smartphone stands as a long-awaited gift. The route, shown by the dotted line, covers a wide geography and a lot of various hobbies of different people for whom a modern smartphone with a powerful charge turns out to be a welcomed helper.

The atmosphere of a dream-like night is unobtrusively maintained with the help of typical attributes, small details and a snowy background. At the same time, the central element of design is still the smartphone itself, the attractive external view of which, together with the festive atmosphere, motivates to discover more about it.

04 Client's Review

Natalia Mikhailova
Marketing Department Manager
Thanks to the guys from GreenMars! First of all, thanks for being ready not only to listen, but to hear; secondly, for quick work execution and strict adherence to all the guides (even the most complicated ones); thirdly, for the professional recommendations and sensible advice; and of course, for the quality of work, which is superb. Together we worked on the design of banners, POP, outdoor and print advertising. We stayed happy with everything!