Naming, Logo and Visual Identity. GreenMars Work for LaserWoods

01 Naming

We were approached by a company specializing in figured laser cutting of different types of wood, cutting out and producing wooden decorative elements of the interiors, various components, accessories and different sets for artistic and applied creativity. The founders of the company had a clear understanding that in order to stand out in a highly competitive laser cutting market, it was necessary to develop a strong system of verbal and visual communication.

We started our work with the development of a memorable, euphonious and associative brand name. This name was LaserWoods. Laser technology of wood processing is initially laid down in the English name, which will be easily understood by potential partners and Customers.

Нейминг LaserWoods

02 Logotype

Wood, laser cutting and a short memorable name constitute a favorable basis for creating a visual image of the brand. We have developed several different concepts.

Концепции логотипа

The final variant that was chosen is a logo with a mascot woodpecker. The character instantly associates with woodwork, and the filigree of simple geometric shapes emphasizes the precision of laser cutting.

Naming, Logo and Visual Identity  LaserWoods Создание логотипа

03 Colors and Font

04 Corporate Identity

The logo looks effectively on any surfaces, including wooden ones. LaserWoods business cards and the company forms are characterized by minimalism and simplicity of shapes. Laconic classical style is meant to emphasize the professionalism and perfect skills of company's employees.

Дизайн визитной карточки Разработка фирменного стиля
Фирменный стиль брендинг
Фирменный стиль бренда

05 Client's Review

next work

Packaging Design and Illustrations

Packaging Design and Illustrations